When you have poor credit, a loan can be difficult to obtain. However, you are much more likely to find a suitable lender if you employ a broker to search the market on your behalf.
A broker will act as your personal shopper, using their network of contacts to find low-cost credit rating loans that suit you and your circumstances. As well as taking the legwork out of looking for a loan, a broker will thoroughly search through the available lenders, comparing:
o Repayment terms.
o Interest rates.
o Arrangement fees and other charges.
o Terms and conditions.
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If you were to try and find a loan yourself, this would soon become time consuming and complicated. And if you want to obtain finance quickly, the last thing you want to do is spend a long time comparing interest rates and fees.
However, choosing a lender is getting slightly ahead of ourselves. If you have a poor credit history, a loan can be obtained by following these simple steps:
1 - Decide why you are applying for a loan. A poor credit rating means a loan may be harder to obtain, so be crystal clear about the purpose. This will also affect the amount you can borrow, which means the purpose of the loan is absolutely critical.
2 - Choose the loan amount. If you have poor credit, a loan that is secured with some form of collateral means you will be able to borrow more, and the interest rate will be lower. This is because the risk to the lender is greatly reduced.
3 - Find the right lender. When you have a poor credit history, a loan can be hard to find - especially if you try to search the market manually. As written above, a broker will be able to search quickly through the market, to find the appropriate loan.
4 - Poor credit may mean that a loan application is not easy, but it won't be impossible. Your broker will be on hand to help you through the application forms, by answering any questions you may have when you apply for a poor credit loan.
You can also make it easier to obtain a loan, by ensuring you have all the necessary paperwork near at hand. This includes:
o Recent payslips.
o Bank statements.
o Utility bills.
o Proof of identification.
You may be applying for a loan for many reasons. Whatever you need the loan for, a broker will be able to help.
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