Your outstanding loan payment or irregular paying habits can be a barrier for you to acquire a loan. Lenders are not willing to give finances to people with poor credit history. Do not worry; here is a facility for you. Loans for people with bad credit are specifically for people with poor credit rating.
What are they?
These advances are provided for financial back-up. People with poor credit can avail this facility. This a good chance for such people to repair their credit rating.
no bank account loans, cash loan, payday cash,
What are these funds used for?
These funds are required for:
Wedding purpose,
To purchase a car,
Repairing the house,
Higher education of your child,
To go for a trip and so on.
What is amount of the loan and repayment duration?
The amount of the loan ranges from £200 to £25000. It is a short term loan. And hence the repayment duration ranges from 1 to 10 years. The borrower should ensure to make the repayment along with decided rate of interest on time.
What are the benefits?
They are specially meant for people with poor credit history.
You can apply online also.
It is paper-less and saves time.
What are the faults?
The rate of interest is high.
If repayment is not made on time, you will have to pay additional fees.
What are the eligibility conditions?
The applicant:
Should be 18 years and above.
Should be a citizen of UK.
Should have a permanent and regular source of income.
Should have a valid bank account.
What are the online benefits?
There is no need for you to stand in long lines anymore to acquire a loan. It is easier now. You can apply for this facility through the internet. As soon as the loan is approved, the amount is transferred to your account. The processing is fast. You are not required to provide any documents.
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